Note that importing countries must also determine that the purpose of the import is not harmful to the species. While determining what is primarily a business goal may seem essentially simple, on the margins it is a difficult question. Sport hunting trophies are generally not considered a commercial purpose, although they may have market value. The importation of animals by zoo is also not prohibited by CITES custom, although money is paid for the animal and the zoo generates money from the exposure of the animal. Although there is a resolution adopted by the Conference of the Parties to assist in this issue [See: Note “Primarily for commercial purposes” & Conf. 5.10.], it is ultimately a unilateral decision of the importing country. What are the penalties for violating the ESA? The maximum penalty for violating the ESA is one year in prison and a fine of $100,000 for an individual, $200,000 for an organization. Those who engage in illegal wildlife trafficking under the ESA can also be prosecuted under the anti-trafficking provisions of the Lacey Act (maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and fines of $250,000 for an individual or $500,000 for an organization). Since it is now understood by all that listing a species in Appendix I will prevent trade in the species, these proposals will be considered very carefully by delegates to the Conference of the Parties. In fact, much attention has been paid to the question of what standards should be used to determine whether a certain type of extinction.@ is threatened [See: Conf.
“It happens all the time, and you can be sure it`s not beneficial for wildlife. It`s as if the UN refugee agency doesn`t focus on refugees or UNICEF without taking care of the children. I think it is high time for an appropriate external audit of the Secretariat and to see what it has actually achieved over the past 40 years. However, take a closer look at legal trade, and it seems increasingly illegal. First, legally binding rules are broken with impunity, including those that regulate harvest quotas and fishing methods, dictate who can sell what where, regulate transport and set the necessary licenses. Not surprisingly, very few people pay their taxes on wildlife products traded through the system, so many are also guilty of tax evasion. On the 19th. In November 2001, authorities ordered restaurants in the Cambodian capital to stop serving rare animals or face closure. Many restaurants in Phnom Penh have served rare animals because customers believe that eating animal parts such as tigers, bears, scaly ant eaters, porcupines and turtles can cure diseases and ensure sexual potency.
Phnom Penh`s vice governor, Seng Tong, has asked about 100 restaurateurs to sign agreements with the city government promising to remove rare wildlife from their menus. “It`s funny in an unhealthy way that on the one hand we agree to regulate trade in these endangered species, but then we accept that for the majority of them we have no idea of the sustainability of the decline,” said Vincent Nijman, a conservation ecologist at Oxford Brookes University. “So a logical next step would be to agree that if we have no idea what to take, we should minimize international trade. But instead, we continue with a status quo scenario and act until we can clearly see that we have gone too far. CITES violations concern border crossings and the collection, transport, handling, sale or possession of live specimens. Approximately 5,950 animal species and 32,800 plant species are protected by this international agreement. Click here for a list of CITES protected species. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is defined as a multilateral pact or treaty to ensure the safety of endangered plants and animals. CITES is also known as the Washington Convention, the governments of many countries have received this international agreement so as not to endanger the survival of wild animals and plants. It is important that CITES does not provide for explicit sanctions for non-compliance by participating parties that ensure compliance with CITES rules. There are certain decisions to deal with violations committed by parties.
They are; The cites international agreement has long been an international agreement on the survival of wild animals; Plants and animals.. .