The Fair List, UK held its annual awards event at the IATEFL conference in Liverpool, UK on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019 from 7-8 pm.

What happened
We had a micro introduction to who and why we are. This was followed by expressions of gratitude to Greenall and Florent Books Ltd, for providing lavish drinks and nibbles and for paying for the room hire. Thanks also went to Chris Barker for setting up and managing our Facebook page and to Susan Barduhn for her talk on International Women’s Day about The Fair List for the EFL Talks ‘Women in ELT’ conference. 

Who is on the list for events in 2018?
Next, the ELT event organisers on the list for January to December 2018 were announced. These people were responsible for managing a good gender balance of plenary/keynote speakers or speaker panels and electronic sources at the following events January-December 2018:

Single events:
NATECLA, July event
English UK Academic Conference January
The Hands Up Project April event
UCLAN May mini-conference
Trinity/Regent ‘The Future of ELT’ conference June
The ELTONS Innovations Awards event June
Canterbury Christ Church University ‘Cutting Edges’ conference June

IATEFL Brighton conference plenary speakers
IATEFL Brighton Associates Day
IATEFL Brighton Special Interest Group (SIG) Pre-conference events (PCEs) for the following SIGs:

– Business English/ESP world cafe
– Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
– Global Issues
– Inclusive Practices and SEN
– Learning Technologies
– Literature
– Materials Writing
– Research/Learner Autonomy
– Young Learners and Teenagers
– Teacher Training and Education/Pronunciation

Event Series:
British Council Teaching English webinars and English Agenda webinars
IATEFL webinar series and web conferences
IATEFL Brighton ‘How to…….’ Sessions

The list of balanced events has grown from year to year and this is the longest list we have ever had. So, congratulations to all the event organisers!
We finished the event with an awareness-raising activity entitled ‘Women doing interesting things’.

And a jolly good time was had by all!
Tessa Woodward