You will also be asked to return the company ID card, laptop and mobile SIM card provided to you at the beginning of the internship in the same condition in which they were given to you, any discrepancies related to these will be resolved in the manner indicated at the beginning of the internship. In the event of termination, the Intern shall return all content, materials and work results of the Company to the Company as soon as possible, but in no case beyond thirty (30) days after the date of termination. Interns may or may not receive remuneration for the work they do. If the agreement between the principal and the trainee provides for the payment of the trainee, the amount of the payment, the date of payment and the method of payment must be clearly indicated in the agreement. Any deduction from trainees` remuneration must be clearly indicated. An employer will usually include a confidentiality clause in a contract, especially if the intern is working with proprietary information and/or senior executives. In most cases, confidentiality clauses are signed when a person is hired for the first time and apply at the end of their internship or, in some cases, for a period after the end of the internship. At the end of the assignment, an official release document may also include an obligation that the intern will not disclose certain confidential information. The trainee is often not entitled to severance pay (compensation instead of dismissal) because the nature of the relationship between the trainee and the principle is that of two independent contractors and allows the principle to terminate the contract freely for any reason that the principle deems appropriate or, in some cases, for no reason at all. If the case of breach of contract reaches the courts, the courts will examine whether the provisions of the agreement have been complied with and will take into account the remedies that the parties have agreed in the event of a breach by a party. This clause makes it easier for a court to rule on a breach of contract issue because the parties would have already agreed on the steps to be taken if a party is found guilty of committing a breach.
The working days and weeks for the intern must be agreed and specified in the agreement. For example, the intern is only allowed to work 3 days a week for 7 hours a day. The duration and timing of the assignment must be agreed upon by both the intern and the director. The dates on which the intern will begin to provide their services, the duration/duration during which the internship will last and the date on which the contract will be terminated must be included in the agreement. CONSIDERING that the company is ready to grant an internship to the trainee; Leave for family responsibility is the leave granted to a person so that he or she can take care of family obligations such as the illness of a child or the death of a parent. Although a principle is not obliged to grant leave for family responsibility, it is a concept that is often included in an internship agreement. It is important that the number of family vacation days is clear in the agreement. The cases in which such leave may be taken should also be specified in the agreement.
A contract may be terminated in a variety of ways that do not constitute termination within the meaning of section 186(1) of the Industrial Relations Act. In the case of fixed-term employment contracts, such as traineeship contracts, which are concluded for a certain period or expire on the occurrence of an event, the termination of such a contract would not normally be considered a termination. Intellectual property is any product of the human intellect that the law protects from unauthorized use by others. An internship agreement should provide for ownership of intellectual property rights. The agreement should specify who owns the intellectual property rights. As with most employment contracts, an internship agreement often stipulates that the intern assigns in principle all intellectual property rights acquired during the term of the engagement. The agreement may also include that, while ridership may be accumulated, there will be no payment to the intern for ridership. Due to the high risk costs, the principle of an internship contract usually wants to take a minimal risk and therefore the principle will of course ensure that the contract stipulates that the intern is responsible for all risks associated with the conclusion of the contract. In order to avoid problems that could arise at a later stage when the trainee brings an action against the principle for injuries or losses suffered, it is important that the agreement clearly states who bears the risk and is responsible for any loss or injury.
Unless otherwise specified, work created by an employee under an employment contract such as an internship agreement within the framework and scope of his agreement is automatically assigned to the employer. This was confirmed in King v South African Weather Service 2009 (3) SA 13 (SCA); [2009] All SA 31 (SCA). You should also highlight the qualities you saw in the candidate during the internship. You need to let them know how their contribution has contributed to the growth of the business. In order to offer a chance to many more aspiring candidates like you, we would like to terminate the agreement with effect from [insert date of termination of agreement] Your internship will end (mention date) and you will be asked not to go to the office in a professional capacity. The reason for termination is the low quality of the work you do, which affects all of the activities of the (mention the type of entity). Termination occurs because the (mention of entity type) requires their interns to be disciplined and dedicated to the work and to complete the work entrusted to them with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency, so that there is a growth of (mention the type of entity) both in the present and in the future. The (mention the type of entity) is not interested in maintaining a professional relationship that ultimately does not bring any benefit to the (mention the type of entity). The legislation stipulates that female employees are entitled to 4 months of unpaid maternity leave if they are pregnant.
Although this legislation does not apply to self-employed trainees, the concept of maternity leave is often included in agreements with independent contractors such as the internship contract. .