What is ‘The Fair List’?
So what is this list about?
There are many kinds of excellence in ELT. Some of these are rewarded. For innovation in ELT, for example, we have the ELTons, sponsored by Cambridge English Language Assessment and given in seven categories.
For authors of outstanding books in the field of language teacher education, we have the annual Ben Warren Trust Prize from International House.
Then there are the English Speaking Union English language book awards which recognise originality, substance, innovation and best practice in writing.
The Extensive Reading Foundation, an unaffiliated, not-for profit, international association for the promotion of the extensive reading approach for language learning, gives awards in five categories too and takes into account Internet votes and comments by students and teachers around the world.
The Fair List celebrates excellence of a different kind; the achievement of gender balance in plenary speakers, presenters or speaker panels at ELT events, annually, in the UK.
Here is a short video interview in which Tessa Woodward explains what The Fair List is all about.