
Greenall Florent Books Ltd

The Fair List, UK is very grateful to Greenall Florent Books Ltd for sponsoring the room hire and refreshments for our awards events held at IATEFL conferences. Their help means the events can go with a swing!


Cambridge English Teacher is the professional development community for English language teachers run by two departments of the University of Cambridge with many years of experience and expertise in education and teacher development – Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Language Assessment. It offers opportunities to develop your skills and connect with other teachers and experts in English language teaching, wherever you are in the world.


NILE is a specialist teacher development institute providing courses and seminars for teachers and trainers involved in English language education. From our base in Norwich, we run professional development programmes of the highest quality, both face-to-face and online.

Since 1995 we have run hundreds of courses for thousands of participants from over 60 different countries, from initial training to MA programmes . We provide CPD opportunities both through open-enrolment and tailor-made courses to meet specific professional development needs, and send consultants and trainers all over the world to provide practical guidance and support in the field of ELT.

NILE is accredited by EAQUALS and the British Council for the teaching of English and a member of English UK. All our accredited courses involve a significant element of language improvement.

We support The Fair List’s important work and are pleased to sponsor TFL webinars to further The Fair List’s work and reach.


The British Council seminar series brings ELT professionals together to discuss the latest developments in ELT. Each seminar is recorded and published on the BC Teaching English web site. If you are in the UK, you can attend a seminar in person provided you register, free, on the BC Teaching English web site. You can browse the seminar collection or use the site search facility to select seminars by topic. You can then use the seminar training materials in training sessions or for self-access, continuing professional development.

The British Council seminar series, which has been on The Fair List itself since the launch of the list, is happy to sponsor The Fair List mentoring initiative starting in 2015.