Early 2013
- Informal discussion between colleagues on the issue of gender balance of presenters at UK ELT events.
April 2013
IATEFL conference, Liverpool, UK.
- Meeting with The Disabled Access Friendly campaign, a voluntary initiative using ELT to raise awareness about mobility disability. (See www.disabled-accessfriendly.com)
- Award ceremony held for those on The Fair List for ELT events held in the UK in 2012. Those on the list were:
- The IATEFL Research SIG for overall balance in separate events
- The IATEFL Business SIG for their IATEFL Glasgow pre-conference event
- The IATEFL Leadership and Management SIG for their IATEFL Glasgow pre-conference event and for their Brighton event held jointly with The IATEFL Teacher Development SIG
- The IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment SIG also for their IATEFL Glasgow pre-conference event
So, as you can see, the world of IATEFL Special Interest Groups was well-represented. Stars of the show, however, were:
- The British Council for their UK seminar series which achieved almost exact parity between women and men speakers over a very busy year of events
After the award ceremony, there was a discussion of what The Fair List is, why it is important and possible future steps.
May 2013
- An email list of those interested started.
- The Fair List email address set up.
- Domain for a web site registered.
- Logo designed.
- Web site planned.
- Information pieces written for newsletters and web sites, and audio recorded for overseas conference.
June 2013
- Meeting with Dr Fiona Bartels-Ellis, Head of Equal Opportunity and Diversity at the British Council, London.
- IATEFL Business Special Interest Group add a link on their web site.See: http://www.besig.org/about/The_Fair_List_2012.aspx
- The Fair List approached by Katie Quartano for help with suggestions for Europe-based women speakers for the Thrace Macedonia conference.
July 2013
- A piece about The Fair List was published in the Summer 2013 issue of the Teacher Trainer Journal.
August 2013
- The web site starts to come together.
September 2013
- A piece about The Fair List and Professional Development was published in English Teaching professional Issue 88 page 57
- This web site was launched!
October 2013
- Emails come in with offers to start similar initiatives in other countries, photos for the web site gallery and messages of support
- Nicky Hockly agrees to be our first Guest Blogger
- UK, ELT event organisers are contacted with information about The Fair List
- Shaun Wilden, IH World conference organiser, offers to mention The Fair List in the programme of the next IH DOS conference due in 2014
- Aleksandra Popovski shares our news through the ELTAM Macedonia group
- Nick Michelioudakis puts a note about us on the IATEFL Facebook page
- James Taylor posts us on the Belgian English Language Teachers Association (beltabelgium.com) Facebook and Twitter accounts, and in the BETA newsletter
- Zsuzsa Kuti, Editor for ELTECS-ECR, posts info on her ELTeCS list and sends it on to her fellow ELTeCS Editors.
- The IATEFL Leadership and Management Special Interest Group respond with enthusiasm to the idea of running a webinar for those tentatively thinking of doing a plenary/keynote speech or being a panellist at a conference
November 2013
- David Valente, Project Manager/Deputy Teaching Centre Manager, British Council, Tangier gave an overview of TFL for the British Council global diversity network
- Patrick Jackson blogged about the fair list on eltnews. Please see:www.eltnews.com/columns/patontheback/2013/11/balancing_the_boy_band.html
- Luke Meddings blogged about us on the round. Please see:http://the-round.com/2013/11/fairs-rare/
December 2013
- Nicky Hockly mentioned The Fair List in a recent blog post (point 5 at the bottom of the post).
January 2014
- Marjorie Rosenberg mentioned the list on the Vicky Loras blog about education, on January 31st
March 2014
- A piece about The Fair List was published in the EL Gazette
- The Fair List was shortlisted for the ELTONS
April 2014
- Award ceremony held for those on The Fair List for ELT events held in the UK in 2013.Those on the list were:
- The University of St Andrews ELT, for their ‘Materials for Thought’ EAP workshop February, 2013
- The IATEFL annual webinar series
- The IATEFL TT/Ed SIG for their Liverpool pre-conference event
- THE IATEFL Business SIG for their Liverpool pre-conference event
- THE IATEFL Leadership and Management SIG for their Liverpool pre-conference event
- The IATEFL Learner Autonomy SIG for their Liverpool pre-conference event
- THE IATEFL ESOL SIG for their Liverpool pre-conference event
- The IATEFL Conference Committee for plenaries at Liverpool conference
- The British Council, for the second year running, for their UK seminar series which achieved almost exact parity between women and men speakers over a very busy year of events
- Canterbury Christ Church University for their ‘Cutting Edge’ conference July, 2013.
- At the awards event, after celebrating the people on the list, the group stayed on to explore a time line of positive events in civil rights for women in the UK over the last 100 years or so.
Please see the Radio and Mixed links page in the ‘Resources’ section.
- The Fair List, UK is shortlisted for a British council ELTONS award
- Chris Lima posted information about The Fair List, UK Harrogate awards event.
June 2014
- Rob Lewis of the British Council English Agenda interviewed Tessa Woodward about The Fair List. The interview is now available as a podcast at: http://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/podcast.
September 2014
- The Fair List ran our first webinar, with the IATEFL Leadership and Management Special Interest Group. It was on ‘Preparing for your first keynote talk or plenary.’ The speakers were Susan Barduhn and Simon Greenall. The event was sponsored by NILE. All those attending the webinar also had the opportunity to put in a proposal for a webinar of their own to Cambridge English Teacher (CET). This is the link: http://iatefl.adobeconnect.com/p6ybav71815.
- Daniel Zuchowski included news of The Fair List in the Resources section of the September issue of the ELT Ireland newsletter.
November and December 2014
- The British Council, English Events team agreed to sponsor mentor and mentee packs or web site pages to be used when we get a mentoring scheme going. A call was put out for ideas for mentoring resources and much useful material was received.
January 2015
- Paul Braddock, the TeachingEnglish Website Manager for The British Council, uploaded the story of The Fair List to the TeachingEnglish web site, promoted it via their newsletter and also on their social media channels. Their Facebook page has around 3 million likes and a lot of engagement, so this was a very effective way to promote The Fair List. Thanks Paul!
April 2015
- Marjorie Rosenberg, incoming IATEFL President, mentioned The Fair List in an article in the EL Gazette.
- Award ceremony held for those on The Fair List for ELT events held in the UK in 2014.Those on the list were:
Single events:
English UK for their Teachers’ Conference
IATEFL for their first ever web conference
IATEFL for their Harrogate conference
International House for their DOS conference
MATSDA/University of Liverpool for their SLA and Materials Development conference
IATEFL Business English Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Harrogate.
IATEFL Learning Technologies Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Harrogate.
IATEFL ESP Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Harrogate.
IATEFL Teacher Training and Education Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Harrogate.
IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Harrogate.
IATEFL Young Learners Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Harrogate
IATEFL Materials Writing Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Harrogate
IATEFL ESOL Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Harrogate
Event Series:
IATEFL for their webinar series
British Council for their seminar series (for the third year running!)
July/August 2015
- Report from The Fair List, UK annual event published in IATEFL Voices No. 245 page 21
- New Mentoring scheme is launched to support first time women plenary/ keynote and panel speakers at UK ELT events.
- The C group re-posted one of our blog posts on their web site. You can see it here.
March 2016
- Tessa Woodward, Founder of The Fair List, UK was invited to speak about the list at the British Council on International Women’s Day. The talk was live streamed to other British Council offices.
April 2016
- The award ceremony was held for those on The Fair List, UK for ELT events held in the UK in 2015. Those on the list were:
Single events:
English UK for their Teachers’ Conference
English Teaching professional for ‘ETp Live’ conference
IATEFL for their web conference
IATEFL for their Manchester conference
International House for their DOS conference
Canterbury Christ Church University for their ‘Cutting Edge’ conference
MATSDA/University of Limerick for their ‘Creating Motivation with L2 Materials’ conference
University of St Andrews for their EAP conference
IATEFL Associates for their Associates’ Day at Manchester conference
IATEFL ESP SIG and BALEAP for their pre-conference event at Manchester
IATEFL Business English Special Interest Group for their online weekend workshops
IATEFL Business English/TEA SIG for their pre-conference event at Manchester
IATEFL Leadership and Management SIG for their pre-conference event at Manchester
IATEFL Learning Technologies Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Manchester
IATEFL Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Manchester
IATEFL LMCS SIG for their pre-conference event at Manchester
IATEFL Pron SIG for their pre-conference event at Manchester
IATEFL Research SIG for their pre-conference event at Manchester
IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Manchester
IATEFL Materials Writing Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Manchester
Event Series:
IATEFL for their webinar series
IATEFL ‘How to…sessions 2013, 2014, and 2015!
May 2016
- eflmagazine.com carried an article about the IATEFL Birmingham event with photos. Thanks guys!
December 2016
- The following organisers were awarded The Fair List, UK certificate for events in the year January – December 2016:
Single events:
British Council for their Teaching English Success online conference
English UK for their Teachers’ conference
IATEFL/TESOL for their first ever joint web conference
International House for their AMT conference
MATSDA for their Authenticity SLAL2 and Materials Development conference
IATEFL for their Birmingham conference
IATEFL for their Associates Day Birmingham conference
IATEFL Learning Technologies and Young Learners and Teenagers Special Interest Groups for their joint pre-conference event at Birmingham conference.
IATEFL ESP Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Birmingham conference.
IATEFL Teacher Development Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Birmingham.
IATEFL Materials Writing Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Birmingham conference
IATEFL Global Issues Special Interest Group and the C Group for their joint pre-conference event at Birmingham conference
IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Birmingham conference
Event Series:
IATEFL for their webinar series
IATEFL for their ‘How to…..’ series at Birmingham conference
British Council for their EnglishAgenda webinar series
IATEFL BESIG for their series of weekend workshops, panel discussions and online symposium
August 2017
- Following co-operation between The Fair List, UK and the Women in ELT Facebook page and group, a new group of mentors has been added to our mentor list. Please see the Mentoring pages for details of this group of experienced speakers willing to support others.
September 2017
- Christine Barker volunteered to set up and administer a Facebook page for us!
- Sandy Millin posted a piece about The Fair List, UK on the IATEFL blog at:
March 2018
- Susan Barduhn gave a talk about our list for EFL Talks, ‘Women in ELT’ conference on International Women’s Day
April 2018
- The following organisers were awarded The Fair List, UK certificate for events in the year January – December 2017:
Single events:
ETp Live! conference
International House Academic Managers and Trainers (AMT) conference
NATECLA, Nottingham conference
English UK Management conference
IATEFL Glasgow conference plenary speakers
IATEFL Glasgow Associates Day
IATEFL Glasgow Special Interest Group (SIG) Pre-conference events (PCEs) for the following SIGs:
– Business English
– English for Special Purposes and Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
– Global Issues
– Inclusive Practices and SEN
– Learner Autonomy
– Materials Writing
– Research
– Young Learners and Teenagers
– Teacher Training and Education
Event Series:
British Council Teaching English webinars and English Agenda webinars
IATEFL webinar series
IATEFL Glasgow ‘How to…….’ Sessions
April 2019
- The Fair List, UK held its annual awards event at the IATEFL conference in Liverpool, UK on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019 from 7-8 pm. Those on the list for January-December 2018 were:
Single events:
NATECLA, July event
English UK Academic Conference January
The Hands Up Project April event
UCLAN May mini-conference
Trinity/Regent ‘The Future of ELT’ conference June
The ELTONS Innovations Awards event June
Canterbury Christ Church University ‘Cutting Edges’ conference June
IATEFL Brighton conference plenary speakers
IATEFL Brighton Associates Day
IATEFL Brighton Special Interest Group (SIG) Pre-conference events (PCEs) for the following SIGs:
– Business English/ESP world cafe
– Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
– Global Issues
– Inclusive Practices and SEN
– Learning Technologies
– Literature
– Materials Writing
– Research/Learner Autonomy
– Young Learners and Teenagers
– Teacher Training and Education/Pronunciation
Event Series:
British Council Teaching English webinars and English Agenda webinars
IATEFL webinar series and web conferences
IATEFL Brighton ‘How to…….’ Sessions
September 2019
- The IATEFL Testing and Assessment Special Interest Group (TEASIG) published a piece about The Fair List, UK in the first issue of ‘Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Today’.
January 2020
The Fair List, UK
Those on the list for January-December 2019 are:
Single events:
International House Academic Managers and Trainers conference January
English UK Academic Conference January
IATEFL main conference Liverpool April
IATEFL Liverpool Associates Day
NATESOL annual conference May
Trinity College ‘The Future of ELT’ conference June
Pavilion Live conference (ETp) June
NATECLA national conference July
British Council World Teachers’ Day conference
IATEFL Liverpool Special Interest Group (SIG) Pre-conference events (PCEs) for the following SIGs:
– Business English/Teacher training/Education
– Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
– Teacher Development/Global Issues
– Literature/ Materials Writing
– Research
– Learner Autonomy
– Young Learners and Teenagers
– Pronunciation
Event Series:
British Council Teaching English and English Agenda webinars
IATEFL Liverpool ‘How to…….’ Sessions
IATEFL Webinar series
The years 2020 and 2021
Events were cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic and so there were no awards granted for those two years.
December 2022
The following organisers were awarded The Fair List, UK certificate for events in the year January to December 2022
Single events:
International House Academic Managers and Trainers (AMT) conference
NATECLA, Nottingham conference
NATESOL annual conference
English UK ELT conference
IATEFL Belfast conference plenary speaker
IATEFL Belfast conference Associates Day
IATEFL Belfast Special Interest Group (SIG) Pre-conference events (PCEs) for the following SIGs:
– Global Issues and IPSEN
– Learner Autonomy
– Literature
– Learning Technologies
– Materials Writing
– Teacher Training and Education
IATEFL Belfast conference ‘How to….’ Sessions
Trinity College with Regent’s College ‘The Future of ELT’ conference
British Council ELTONS The presenters of the awards at the ceremony
Event Series:
British Council Teaching English webinars and English Agenda webinars
IATEFL monthly webinar series
December 2023
The following organisers were awarded The Fair List, UK certificate for events in the year January to December 2023
Single events:
International House Academic Managers and Trainers (AMT) conference
NATESOL annual conference
English UK ELT conference
IATEFL Harrogate:
– conference plenary speakers
– Associates Day
IATEFL Harrogate Special Interest Group (SIG) Pre-conference events (PCEs) for the following SIGs:
– Leadership and Management and IPSEN
- Learner Autonomy
- Literature and Learning Technologies
- Business English
- Materials Writing
- Teacher Training and Education
– Young Learners and Teenagers and Learner Autonomy
– Pronunciation and Teacher Development
– Research
– Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
– English to Speakers of Other Languages
– English for Special Purposes
IATEFL Harrogate conference career zone ‘How to….’ Sessions
IATEFL Harrogate early morning sessions
Trinity College with Regent’s College ‘The Future of ELT’ conference
International House ‘The Future of Training’ conference
Event Series:
British Council Teaching English webinars
IATEFL monthly webinar series