The Fair List, UK held its annual awards event at the IATEFL conference in Brighton, UK on Wednesday, April 11th, 2018 from 7-9 pm.
What happened
We had a micro introduction to who and why we are. This was followed by expressions of gratitude to Greenall and Florent Books Ltd, for providing lavish drinks and nibbles. Thank you, Simon and Jill! Thanks also went to Chris Barker for setting up and managing our Facebook page and to Susan Barduhn for her talk on International Women’s Day about The Fair List for the EFL Talks ‘Women in ELT’ conference.
Who is on the list for events in 2017?
Next, the ELT event organisers on the list for January to December 2017 were announced. These people were responsible for managing a good gender balance of plenary/keynote speakers or speaker panels at the following events:
ETp Live!
British Council Teaching English webinars and English Agenda webinars
International House Academic Managers and Trainers (AMT) conference
NATECLA Nottingham conference
English UK Management conference
IATEFL webinar series
IATEFL Glasgow conference plenary speakers
IATEFL Glasgow Associates Day
IATEFL Glasgow ‘How to…….’ Sessions
IATEFL Glasgow Special Interest Group (SIG) Pre-conference events (PCEs) for the following SIGs:
– Business English
– English for Special Purposes and Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
– Global Issues
– Inclusive Practices and SEN
– Learner Autonomy
– Materials Writing
– Research
– Young Learners and Teenagers
– Teacher Training and Education
As those on the list collected their playful certificates, there was applause, photos were taken and there were streamers, balloons and associated (positive) mayhem!
After that…
As usual, I offered an awareness-raising event for all, one designed to find the most gender aware person in the room!
I also gave space to those who wished to talk about connected initiatives and so we heard from Sue Leather and Fiona Mauchline about EVE:
from Varinder Unlu about ELT too:
and from Nina Loback about an initiative in Brazil TESOL Voices SIG BT which we hope she will blog about soon.
We finished off with general chat and laughter plus thoughts of maybe putting together a panel for IATEFL Liverpool, 2019!
Tessa Woodward
The Founder
The Fair List, UK