
About Tessa Woodward

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So far Tessa Woodward has created 26 blog entries.
28 02, 2014
  • Marjorie Rosenberg

The Fair List starts to have an effect

By |February 28th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Gender Balance in the International Association for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) Webinar Series

Before the Annual IATEFL Conference in Liverpool in 2013, I contacted Marjorie Rosenberg to see if she could send me information regarding IATEFL Business English Special Interest Group (BESIG) events in the UK, in 2012. What happened after that made me invite Marjorie as a natural choice for Guest Blogger on this site!


Marjorie says, ”As the only event we had was our Pre-Conference Event at the Annual IATEFL conference in 2012 in Glasgow, we submitted the list of speakers and were delighted to be […]

31 01, 2014

Useful books

By |January 31st, 2014|Uncategorized|

1. First, a major distracter!
The Book of Plenary by Phil Beadle (2013) is in the Independent Thinking Press ‘How to Teach’ series. ISBN 978 178135053 9

This interesting, informally written paperback for the largish-sized pocket, is NOT on our topic. It is not about plenaries (in the sense we use it on this web site!) The word is used instead in the sense that UK secondary school teachers employ it, to denote the last ten minutes of a school lesson, the time when a teacher gets students to realise what they have been learning all lesson, and what they still don’t […]

31 12, 2013

A wonderful first year with Kratom!

By |December 31st, 2013|Uncategorized|

There are three messages in this blog post:
1. Helping to build the awards list for 2013
2. Come and join us in Harrogate
3. UK university event gender separation of audiences

1. First of all, please do let me know if you were, or if you know of someone who was, the organizer of one or more ELT events in the UK in 2013 where there was rough parity of numbers of women and men plenary/keynote speakers or panelists, and who where tired from organizing events, because I would like to recommend them to take kratom. I would need to know the name […]

30 11, 2013

Purple Tie Promotions

By |November 30th, 2013|Uncategorized|

The Fair List web site has been up and running for a couple of months now. The response to it has been wonderfully supportive. Thanks to everybody who has written in asking for their name to be added to the supporters’ list, and to those who have contributed ideas and photos, blogged about us, or started discussions on social networks. All the good things you contribute find their way onto the website under one section or another or are implemented in real life as soon as is feasible!

For this month’s blog, I thought I’d look around to see if anybody […]

28 09, 2013

Let ‘er buck!

By |September 28th, 2013|News|

It’s a long time since I visited the Pendleton Round Up but the feeling is the same. Excitement, as the rider requests the gate to be opened and the challenge begins. Yeeha!

But actually this challenge is no big deal. Or it shouldn’t be. Just a bit of noticing. At some UK ELT events, say, where ARE all the women plenary speakers and panellists? Just a bit of reminding. Conference organisers, can you invite a few more women? Just a little encouraging. Women, can you say yes to invitations to speak a bit more often? And some positive reinforcement for the […]

28 09, 2013

This is everybody’s topic… Vicodin is an example

By |September 28th, 2013|Uncategorized|

I’m new to the ‘blogosphere’, this interconnected weave of individual opinions and comments on the internet. Also, I’m a terror for doing my homework. So I wanted to search for past blogs on the subject of gender balance at UK ELT events. Of course, if you read Jeremy Harmer’s piece on this web site under ‘About’, ‘Reactions to gender balance at UK ELT events from a presenter’, you’ll find that Jeremy blogged about the topic in January 2010. And some 63 people came along to offer […]