Over the summer I read a book called ‘Lab Girl’ and would highly recommend it. It is written by Hope Jahren. She is an American geochemist and geobiologist at the University of Oslo, known for her work using stable isotope analysis to analyse fossil forests dating to the Eocene. She has won many prestigious awards in the field, including the James B. Macelwane Medal of the American Geophysical Union. Her book Lab Girl (2016) has been applauded as both “a personal memoir and a paean to the natural world” and a literary fusion of memoir and science writing. She has a blog at: https://hopejahrensurecanwrite.com/ where she comments on relations between women and men in the scientific community.
Also over the summer there has been co-operation with the ‘Women in ELT’ Facebook group and a new group of mentors have been added to the ones already with us. Please see their details on the Mentoring pages here.
Which brings me to the big news in terms of social media. Christine Barker, a long-term supporter of The Fair List, UK has set up a Facebook page for us. You can reach it via this link: https://www.facebook.com/The-Fair-List-UK-322813101464441/
Chris will be managing the page for us, acknowledging and commenting and so on…… much to my relief. Thank you, Chris!