27 02, 2017

The Fair List, UK certificate 2016

By |February 27th, 2017|Uncategorized|

This year, as I am not attending the IATEFL Glasgow conference in April, I have done things a bit differently. Instead of having a ‘do’ at the conference as we have in past years, I sent out by email congratulations and playful certificates to those on the list for January-December 2016. The list is here:

The following organisers were awarded The Fair List, UK certificate for events in the year January – December 2016:

Single events:
British Council for their Teaching English Success online conference
English UK for their Teachers’ conference
IATEFL/TESOL for their first ever joint web conference
International House for their AMT […]

28 09, 2016
  • manels not panels

Manels not panels

By |September 28th, 2016|Uncategorized|

The Fair List awards excellence in gender balance of plenary speakers and panelists at UK ELT events. So I was very interested to note a great stirring of interest in the whole business of fair representation on panels. Below are references to three interesting resources.

First I read the headline:

‘Only men at your event? This blog will shame you’
on BBC Trending in May of 2015.

I went on to read this…………

“How often have you looked around at a meeting or in the office, lecture hall or event space and seen a room full of just men?”

Now one website is pointing […]

17 05, 2016

The Annual Awards Event

By |May 17th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Our annual awards event was held at the IATEFL Conference in Birmingham, UK on April 14th 2016. Thanks to all our supporters, we had billing in the IATEFL conference programme, a nice room, balloons, streamers and bunting galore, and drinks and nibbles. It was a cheerful occasion.

What happened?
I kicked off with a welcome and a very brief history of the list. In our first awards event, held in 2013, only 5 organisations made it onto the list for EFL events held in the UK, in the year before, with good gender balance of plenary/keynote speakers or panellists. In 2014 the […]

4 01, 2016

Launching The Fair List Mentoring Scheme

By |January 4th, 2016|Uncategorized|

The Fair List has an annual awards and awareness raising event. This is usually held at the IATEFL international conference in the UK in the Spring of each year. We have the rich web site that you are currently reading. On it there is a useful webinar about giving a plenary talk. All of this is extremely helpful. But it might not always be enough to support a first time woman plenary/keynote speaker or panelist at a UK ELT event, So now, with the support of The British Council, we have started up a mentoring scheme.
You will find a […]

12 10, 2015

How much do people charge for giving a plenary talk?

By |October 12th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Lots of us in the EFL/TESOL world give talks for love rather than money. So I found it interesting to come across an organisation with a rather more ‘high end’ approach. I found the web site of Speakers’ Corner, an international speaker consultation and booking Service.

The web site says,

“In a time when governments around the world are pushing legislation for equality in the boardroom, and when business, politics, sport, the media and the arts are increasingly influenced by men and women equally, corporate clients are often searching for an inspirational, powerful and successful woman to demonstrate that the […]

22 07, 2015

The Launch of The Women’s Equality Party in the UK

By |July 22nd, 2015|Uncategorized|

Good news! Sandi Toksvig, the well known Danish writer, comedian and broadcaster has set up a brand new political party in the UK. It is called The Women’s Equality Party.
You can find out more on Facebook or, if you would rather, by typing this into your browser search box: https://womensequality.org.uk.

Here are a few quotes from the WEP web site:

About Women’s Equality Party
Equality for women isn’t a women’s issue. When women fulfill their potential, everyone benefits. Equality means better politics, a more vibrant economy, a workforce that draws on the talents of the whole population and a society at ease with […]

29 04, 2015

Awards for The Fair List, UK 2014 announced!

By |April 29th, 2015|Uncategorized|

I have just got back from the IATEFL conference in Manchester, UK where we held our third awards ceremony. While people were arriving, early birds set about blowing up balloons, preparing paper streamers and gathering the names and addresses of those attending. We then kicked off with a short history of the list. This year, for example, saw the creation and archiving of a webinar especially prepared to support women thinking of giving a plenary or keynote speech for the very first time. I gave thanks and a gift (courtesy of NILE. Thanks NILE!) to the four people who made […]

4 02, 2015

Another good list: The Swedish A rating of films

By |February 4th, 2015|Uncategorized|

We are used to the idea of films being rated according to the levels of bad language, violence and nudity that they contain.
Now cinemas in Sweden have introduced a new rating based on the criterion of the inclusion in a film of properly-rounded female characters.

To be awarded an ‘A’ rating for gender equality films must pass the Bechdel Test. This test was established by the American cartoonist Alison Bechdel. Different versions of the test require at least two (named?) female characters to have a conversation (for longer than 60 seconds?) about something other than a man, (and without a man […]

19 11, 2014

The Fair List enters Phase Two!

By |November 19th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Er….what was Phase One again?
We got started! In 2013, we held our first awards ceremony at the IATEFL conference in Liverpool, this website was launched, and we had many supportive messages, and people passed on the news that we existed on the various lists and networks that they belong to. People sent in their names and photos to be added to this website. Every month, a new post went up on issues, organisations, books and events related to women and public speaking. So Phase One of this lively venture was, happily, very successfully completed and still continues. And we also […]

29 08, 2014

Building confidence in the next generation of women public speakers

By |August 29th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Along with celebrating current successes, as in our last blog post, it’s important to ensure that the future for women ELT plenary speakers is rosy. So, when I heard about an initiative in Poland on a recent visit, I asked Ania Kolbuszewska to be our next Guest Blogger so her idea could be shared. Here she is!

To say that EFL in Poland is a profession dominated by women is a platitude. On a teacher training course I was recently involved in planning and delivering, only three out of nearly 40 participants were men. The course was organised with EU financial […]