1. Awards for The Fair List, UK 2013 announced!
I have just got back from the IATEFL conference in Harrogate, UK where we held our second ever awards ceremony, complete with balloons, streamers and certificates. (Please see the History page for those on the list of organisers of balanced events for last year!)
At the awards event, after celebrating the people on the list, the group stayed on to explore a time line of positive events in civil rights for women in the UK over the last 100 years or so. As people wanted to have their own copies of the list we have added it as a pdf download.

The Fair List, UK has been short-listed for a British Council ELTONs award!
This will help mightily with letting people know what The Fair List is and does! And, we will find out if we get any further when we attend the awards ceremony in London in May 2014.
The Fair List is to run our first webinar, thanks to the IATEFL Leadership and Management Special Interest Group. It will be on ‘Preparing for your first keynote talk or plenary.’
All are welcome to attend and it is especially aimed at women who are thinking about dipping their toes in these waters for the first time. The speakers will be Susan Barduhn and Simon Greenall.
Susan is a Professor at SIT Graduate Institute in Vermont and a Past President and current International Ambassador for IATEFL. She has been honored to give plenaries in 17 countries.
Simon has been a textbook writer for more years than he cares to admit. Giving plenaries has been an essential but often challenging requirement of the day job.
All those attending the webinar will have the opportunity to put in a proposal for a webinar of their own to Cambridge English Teacher (CET). If their proposal is selected they will have the chance to do their first plenary via audio-only webinar with help from a supportive CET moderator. Thus a great place to start!
Andy Hockley of LAMSIG will moderate. Join us on September 13th 2014 at 15.00 BST (UTC+1).
See lamsig.iatefl.org/events/webinars for details. Sign up details will be announced nearer the time.