This year, as I am not attending the IATEFL Glasgow conference in April, I have done things a bit differently. Instead of having a ‘do’ at the conference as we have in past years, I sent out by email congratulations and playful certificates to those on the list for January-December 2016. The list is here:
The following organisers were awarded The Fair List, UK certificate for events in the year January – December 2016:
Single events:
British Council for their Teaching English Success online conference
English UK for their Teachers’ conference
IATEFL/TESOL for their first ever joint web conference
International House for their AMT conference
MATSDA for their Authenticity SLAL2 and Materials Development conference
IATEFL for their Birmingham conference
IATEFL for their Associates Day Birmingham conference
IATEFL Learning Technologies and Young Learners and Teenagers Special Interest Groups for their joint pre-conference event at Birmingham conference.
IATEFL ESP Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Birmingham conference.
IATEFL Teacher Development Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Birmingham.
IATEFL Materials Writing Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Birmingham conference
IATEFL Global Issues Special Interest Group and the C Group for their joint pre-conference event at Birmingham conference
IATEFL Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Special Interest Group for their pre-conference event at Birmingham conference
Event Series:
IATEFL for their webinar series
IATEFL for their ‘How to…..’ series at Birmingham conference
British Council for their EnglishAgenda webinar series.
I invited people on the 2016 list to send back creative photos of themselves on or with their certificate. The photo with this blog is an example! It looks great!